I posted an unfinished translation back then, but now I finally found the time (and inspiration) to complete it.
Enjoy! (and hope it takes you back...)
Luceafãrul A fost odatã ca-n povesti, A fost ca niciodatã, Din rude mãri împãrãtesti, O prea frumoasã fatã. Si era una la pãrinti Si mîndrã-n toate cele, Cum e Fecioara între sfinti Si luna între stele. Din umbra falnicelor bolti Ea pasul si-l îndreaptã Lîngã fereastrã, unde-n colt Luceafãrul asteaptã. Privea în zare cum pe mãri Rãsare si strãluce, Pe miscãtoarele cãrãri Corãbii negre duce. îl vede azi, îl vede mîni, Astfel dorinta-i gata; El iar, privind de sãptãmîni, îi cade dragã fatã. Cum ea pe coate-si rãzima Visînd ale ei tîmple De dorul lui si inima Si sufletu-i se împle. Si cît de viu s-aprinde el în orisicare sarã, Spre umbra negrului castel Cînd ea o sã-i aparã. * Si pas cu pas pe urma ei Alunecã-n odaie, Tesînd cu recile-i scîntei O mreajã de vãpaie. Si cînd în pat se-ntinde drept Copila sã se culce, I-atinge mîinile pe piept, I-nchide geana dulce; Si din oglindã luminis Pe trupu-i se revarsã, Pe ochii mari, bãtînd închisi Pe fata ei întoarsã. Ea îl privea cu un surîs, El tremura-n oglindã, Cãci o urma adînc în vis De suflet sã se prindã. Iar ea vorbind cu el în somn, Oftînd din greu suspinã: - "O, dulce-al noptii mele domn, De ce nu vii tu? Vinã! Cobori în jos, luceafãr blînd, Alunecînd pe-o razã, Pãtrunde-n casã si în gînd Si viata-mi lumineazã!" El asculta tremurãtor, Se aprindea mai tare Si s-arunca fulgerator, Se cufunda în mare; Si apã unde-au fost cãzut în cercuri se roteste, Si din adînc necunoscut Un mîndru tînãr creste. Usor el trece ca pe prag Pe marginea ferestei Si tine-n mînã un toiag încununat cu trestii. Pãrea un tînãr voievod Cu pãr de aur moale, Un vînãt giulgi se-ncheie nod Pe umerele goale. Iar umbra fetei strãvezii E albã ca de cearã - Un mort frumos cu ochii vii Ce scînteie-n afarã. - "Din sfera mea venii cu greu Ca sã-ti urmez chemarea, Iar cerul este tatãl meu Si muma-mea e marea. Cã în cãmara ta sã vin, Sã te privesc de-aproape, Am coborit cu-al meu senin Si m-am nãscut din ape. O, vin'! odorul meu nespus, Si lumea ta o lasã; Eu sunt luceafãrul de sus, Iar tu sã-mi fii mireasã. Colo-n pãlate de mãrgean Te-oi duce veacuri multe, Si toatã lumea-n ocean De tine o s-asculte." - "O, esti frumos, cum numa-n vis Un înger se aratã, Darã pe calea ce-ai deschis N-oi merge niciodatã; Strãin la vorbã si la port, Lucesti fãrã de viatã, Cãci eu sunt vie, tu esti mort, Si ochiul tãu mã-ngheatã." * Trecu o zi, trecurã trei Si iarãsi, noaptea, vine Luceafãrul deasupra ei Cu razele-i senine. Ea trebui de el în somn Aminte sã-si aducã Si dor de-al valurilor domn De inim-o apucã: - "Cobori în jos, luceafãr blînd, Alunecînd pe-o razã, Pãtrunde-n casã si în gînd Si viata-mi lumineazã!" Cum el din cer o auzi, Se stinse cu durere, Iar ceru-ncepe a roti în locul unde piere; In aer rumene vãpãi Se-ntind pe lumea-ntreagã, Si din a chaosului vãi Un mîndru chip se-ncheagã; Pe negre vitele-i de pãr Coroana-i arde pare, Venea plutind în adevãr Scãldat în foc de soare. Din negru giulgi se desfãsor Marmore ele brate, El vine trist si gînditor Si palid e la fatã; Dar ochii mari si minunati Lucesc adînc himeric, Ca douã patimi fãrã sat Si pline de-ntuneric. - "Din sfera mea venii cu greu Ca sã te-ascult s-acuma, Si soarele e tatãl meu, Iar noaptea-mi este muma; O, vin', odorul meu nespus, Si lumea ta o lasã; Eu sunt luceafãrul de sus, Iar tu sã-mi fii mireasã. O, vin', în pãrul tãu bãlai S-anin cununi de stele, Pe-a mele ceruri sã rãsai Mai mîndrã decît ele." - "O, esti frumos cum numã-n vis Un demon se aratã, Darã pe calea ce-ai deschis N-oi merge niciodatã! Mã dor de crudul tãu amor A pieptului meu coarde, Si ochii mari si grei mã dor, Privirea ta mã arde." - "Dar cum ai vrea sã mã cobor? Au nu-ntelegi tu oare, Cum cã eu sunt nemuritor, Si tu esti muritoare?" - "Nu caut vorbe pe ales, Nici stiu cum as începe - Desi vorbesti pe înteles, Eu nu te pot pricepe; Dar dacã vrei cu crezãmînt Sã te-ndrãgesc pe tine, Tu te coboarã pe pãmînt, Fii muritor ca mine." - "Tu-mi cei chiar nemurirea mea în schimb pe-o sãrutare, Dar voi sã stii asemenea Cît te iubesc de tare; Da, mã voi naste din pãcat, Primind o altã lege; Cu vecinicia sunt legat, Ci voi sã mã dezlege." Si se tot duce... S-a tot dus. De dragu-unei copile, S-a rupt din locul lui de sus, Pierind mai multe zile. * In vremea asta Cãtãlin, Viclean copil de casã, Ce împle cupele cu vin Mesenilor la masã, Un paj ce poartã pas cu pas A-mpãrãtesii rochii, Bãiat din flori si de pripas, Dar îndrãznet cu ochii, Cu obrãjei ca doi bujori De rumeni, batã-i vina, Se furiseazã pînditor Privind la Cãtãlina. Dar ce frumoasã se fãcu Si mîndrã, arz-o focul; Ei Cãtãlin, acu-i acu Ca sã-ti încerci norocul. Si-n treacãt o cuprinse lin într-un ungher degrabã. - "Da' ce vrei, mãri Cãtãlin? Ia du-t' de-ti vezi de treabã." - "Ce voi? As vrea sã nu mai stai Pe gînduri totdeuna, Sã rîzi mai bine si sã-mi dai O gurã, numai una." - "Dar nici nu stiu mãcar ce-mi ceri, Dã-mi pace, fugi departe - O, de luceafãrul din cer M-a prins un dor de moarte." - "Dacã nu stii, ti-as arãta Din bob în bob amorul, Ci numai nu te mînia, Ci stai cu binisorul. Cum vînãtoru-ntinde-n crîng La pãsãrele latul, Cînd ti-oi întinde bratul stîng Sã mã cuprinzi cu bratul; Si ochii tãi nemiscãtori Sub ochii mei rãmîie... De te înalt de subtiori Te-naltã din cãlcîie; Cînd fata mea se pleacã-n jos, în sus rãmîi cu fatã, Sã ne privim nesãtios Si dulce toatã viata; Si ca sã-ti fie pe deplin Iubirea cunoscutã, Cînd sãrutîndu-te mã-nclin, Tu iarãsi mã sãrutã." Ea-l asculta pe copilas Uimitã si distrasã, Si rusinos si drãgãlas, Mai nu vrea, mai se lasã, Si-i zise-ncet: - "încã de mic Te cunosteam pe tine, Si guraliv si de nimic, Te-ai potrivi cu mine... Dar un luceafãr, rãsãrit Din linistea uitãrii, Dã orizon nemãrginit Singurãtãtii mãrii; Si tainic genele le plec, Cãci mi le împle plînsul Cînd ale apei valuri trec Cãlãtorind spre dînsul; Luceste c-un amor nespus, Durerea sã-mi alunge, Dar se înaltã tot mai sus, Ca sã nu-l pot ajunge. Pãtrunde trist cu raze reci Din lumea ce-l desparte... în veci îl voi iubi si-n veci Va rãmînea departe... De-aceea zilele îmi sunt Pustii ca niste stepe, Dar noptile-s de-un farmec sfînt Ce-l nu mai pot pricepe." - "Tu esti copilã, asta e... Hai s-om fugi în lume, Doar ni s-or pierde urmele Si nu ne-or sti de nume. Cãci amîndoi vom fi cuminti, Vom fi voiosi si teferi, Vei pierde dorul de pãrinti Si visul de luceferi." * Porni luceafãrul. Cresteau In cer a lui aripe, Si cãi de mii de ani treceau în tot atîtea clipe. Un cer de stele dedesupt, Deasupra-i cer de stele - Pãrea un fulger nentrerupt Rãtãcitor prin ele. Si din a chaosului vãi, Jur împrejur de sine, Vedea, cã-n ziua cea dentîi, Cum izvorau lumine; Cum izvorînd îl înconjor Ca niste mãri, de-a-notul... El zboarã, gînd purtat de dor, Pîn' piere totul, totul; Cãci unde-ajunge nu-i hotar, Nici ochi spre a cunoaste, Si vremea-ncearcã în zadar Din goluri a se naste. Nu e nimic si totusi e O sete care-l soarbe, E un adînc asemene Uitãrii celei oarbe. - "De greul negrei vecinicii, Pãrinte, mã dezleagã Si lãudat pe veci sã fii Pe-a lumii scarã-ntreagã; O, cere-mi, Doamne, orice pret, Dar dã-mi o altã soarte, Cãci tu izvor esti de vieti Si dãtãtor de moarte; Reia-mi al nemuririi nimb Si focul din privire, Si pentru toate dã-mi în schimb O orã de iubire... Din chaos, Doamne,-am apãrut Si m-as întoarce-n chaos... Si din repaos m-am nãscut. Mi-e sete de repaos." - "Hyperion, ce din genuni Rãsai c-o-ntreagã lume, Nu cere semne si minuni Care n-au chip si nume; Tu vrei un om sã te socoti, Cu ei sã te asameni? Dar piarã oamenii cu toti, S-ar naste iarãsi oameni. Ei numai doar dureazã-n vînt Deserte idealuri - Cînd valuri aflã un mormînt, Rãsar în urmã valuri; Ei doar au stele cu noroc Si prigoniri de soarte, Noi nu avem nici timp, nici loc, Si nu cunoastem moarte. Din sînul vecinicului ieri Trãieste azi ce moare, Un soare de s-ar stinge-n cer S-aprinde iarãsi soare; Pãrînd pe veci a rãsãri, Din urmã moartea-l paste, Cãci toti se nasc spre a muri Si mor spre a se naste. Iar tu, Hyperion, rãmîi Oriunde ai apune... Cere-mi cuvîntul meu dentîi - Sã-ti dau întelepciune? Vrei sã dau glas acelei guri, Cã dup-a ei cîntare Sã se ia muntii cu pãduri Si insulele-n mare? Vrei poate-n faptã sã arãti Dreptate si tãrie? Ti-as da pãmîntul în bucãti Sã-l faci împãrãtie. îti dau catarg lîngã catarg, Ostiri spre a strãbate Pãmîntu-n lung si marea-n larg, Dar moartea nu se poate... Si pentru cine vrei sã mori? întoarce-te, te-ndreaptã Spre-acel pãmînt rãtãcitor Si vezi ce te asteaptã." * în locul lui menit din cer Hyperion se-ntoarse Si, cã si-n ziua cea de ieri, Lumina si-o revarsã. Cãci este sara-n asfintit Si noaptea o sã-nceapã; Rãsare luna linistit Si tremurînd din apã. Si împle cu-ale ei scîntei Cãrãrile din crînguri. Sub sirul lung de mîndri tei Sedeau doi tineri singuri: - "O, lasã-mi capul meu pe sîn, Iubito, sã se culce Sub raza ochiului senin Si negrãit de dulce; Cu farmecul luminii reci Gîndirile strãbate-mi, Revarsã liniste de veci Pe noaptea mea de patimi. Si de asupra mea rãmîi Durerea mea de-o curmã, Cãci esti iubirea mea dentîi Si visul meu din urmã." Hyperion vedea de sus Uimirea-n a lor fatã; Abia un brat pe gît i-a pus Si ea l-a prins în brate... Miroase florile-argintii Si cad, o dulce ploaie, Pe crestetele-a doi copii Cu plete lungi, bãlaie. Ea, îmbãtatã de amor, Ridicã ochii. Vede Luceafãrul. Si-ncetisor Dorintele-i încrede: - "Cobori în jos, luceafãr blînd, Alunecînd pe-o razã, Pãtrunde-n codru si în gînd, Norocu-mi lumineazã!" El tremurã ca alte dãti în codri si pe dealuri, Cãlãuzînd singurãtãti De miscãtoare valuri; Dar nu mai cade ca-n trecut In mãri din tot înaltul: - "Ce-ti pasã tie, chip de lut, Dac-oi fi eu sau altul? Trãind în cercul vostru strîmt Norocul vã petrece, Ci eu în lumea mea mã sîmt Nemuritor si rece." | The Evening Star Once upon a time, tales told, As never been portrayed, There was, of pure royal blood, A most beautiful maid. She was her parents’ only child Bright as the sun in June, Like Virgin Mary among saints And among stars, the moon. Out of the shadow of the stately vault Her step now she directs Near the window, where in sight The Evening Star awaits. Off on the skyline, cross the seas She saw him, shining bright, Leading the lightless sailing ships Throughout the murky night. She daily witnessed his ascend, Her heart a gentle purr; And him, watching for weeks on end, In love would fall with her. Daydreaming head on elbows propped As if her mind was stole Longing for him could not be stopped Love filled her, heart and soul. And oh, how brightly lit’s his halo Diffusing glowing spears, Upon the pitch-dark castle’s shadow To him when she appears. * And treading lightly in her footmarks He’s gliding in her chamber, Weaving around with icy sparks A glowing web of amber. And when her head on pillow lands Towards her dreams to dash, He glides his light along her hands, Caresses her eyelash; And from the mirror, the light flies Spilling upon her shape, On closed, yet fluttering big eyes Her face in shadows drape. She’d greet him faintly with a smile, He’d shiver in the mirror, For in her dreams he’d walk a mile To her soul to be nearer. She’d talk to him as she slept tight, Through sighs and dreamy slum: - "Oh, dear sweet prince of the night, Why don’t you come? Just come! Descend to me, Eve Star, so kind Glide down on a lights’ beam, Come in my house and in my mind And make my life a dream!” To her, with tremors he would listen, Ignite and burst in motion Jump up and down, take flight, and then Sink deep into the ocean; The water in that very spot In circles swirls and surges, And out of the deeply dark ‘naught A fine young lad emerges. As o’er a threshold he took step Upon her windowsill Holding in his hand a staff Adorned in reedy twill. He looked like a young prince, somewhat Hair soft, of golden ambers, A purple shroud tied with a knot Upon his barren shoulders. The shade of his pellucid face Was waxy white, like candle - A handsome dead man with live eyes That spark and none can handle. - "Out of my sphere here I fly To answer to thy summ*, My dear father is the sky The sea my lovely mum. Down to thy chambers to descend, And gaze upon thy nearer, Serenely I had to transcend And born from waters I appear. Oh, come! Mine dear priceless treasure, And leave thy world aside; For I am Evening Star from heaven, And thou shall be my bride. Down there, in the coral castles We’d live forever more, And everybody in the oceans Would kneel before thy door." - "Oh, dear prince, handsome you are As angels in dreams show, Yet with your plan to take me far I’ll never rightly go; Your garb and speech I do not understand, You shine, yet don’t have heart, For I’m alive and you are rightly dead, And your eyes chill my heart." * A day went by, then other three And night would always come Just as before, from up above her he Translucent rays would shine. Asleep, when dreams would often come The waves-prince she’d recall A hankering for him would strum And clinch to her young soul: - " Descend to me, Eve Star, so kind Glide down on a lights’ beam, Come in my house and in my mind And make my life a dream!” As he would hear her from up high, He’d fade in drastic pain, And heavens would spin as he’d die Never to shine again; Yet in the air, flames of red Would spread across the realm, And from the chaos, a pretty head Emerges at the helm; On shiny hair, raven-black His crown seems to be burning, Floating, and happy to be back Among the sun’s flames swimming. Emerging from behind black shroud Impressive marble arms, Sullen he comes, with his head bowed And face devoid of charms; Yet his big eyes in all their splendor Shine deep and quite chimeric, As two young lovers, rather tender And darkly, deep, poetic. - "Out of my sphere here I come To answer to thy summ*, My dear father is the sun The night my lovely mum. Oh, come! My dear priceless treasure, And leave thy world aside; For I am Evening Star from heaven, And thou shall be my bride. Oh, come, and in thy golden hair I’ll knit a wreath of stars, Among the lights ye’d be most fair They’d look like flies in jars." - "Oh, dear prince, handsome you are As demons in dreams show, Yet with your plan to take me far I’ll never rightly go; Though cruel, I do miss your love My chest is deeply hurting, Weighty big eyes are weary of, My soul your gaze is burning." - "Thou think that up from heavens I can part? Perhaps I’d been naught clear, I am immortal, whilst thou art, Mere mortal maid, mine dear?" - "I hate big words, and I don’t know, How else to plead with you - And though your discourse I follow, I don’t understand you; If you believe my love is worth More than a priceless gem, Come down to this temporal earth, Be mortal as I am." - "Thou ask I’d cede mine immortality Instead one kiss of thine, But know as well I second thee, For thy true love I pine; Yes, I shall be reborn from sin, Receive another sanction; Another life I shall begin, Tied to a different junction." And off he went... He went all out. Lost in a love-flame craze, From up in heavens he bailed out, Missing for many days. * In the meantime, Cãtãlin, A house-boy, sly and crafty, Who fills the cups with wine and gin For diners to be happy, A page, bearing the queen’s dress train Behind her, every step, A fatherless stray, an orphan, With eyes chuck-full of pep, With tender cheeks, peony red Rosy and smooth as china, He sneaks up with a flair unsaid Gazing at Cãtãlina. How beautiful she grew – he thinks A flower, just to pluck; Eh, Cãtãlin, right now this is Your chance to try your luck. In passing, around her he’d spin Pretending sweet horseplay. - "What is it with you, Cãtãlin? Leave me alone and go away." - "What’s with me? No, what’s with you? You’re lost in thoughts, no fun, So, laugh more often, and I beg, please do Give me a kiss, just one." - "Just spare me your silly sermons, Just leave me, go away - For dearest Eve Star up in heavens I’m longing every day." - "If you don’t know, I’d gladly show you All about love’s balm, But simmer down, let’s not argue, Just listen and be calm. Just as the hunter throws the net That many birds would harm, When my left hand on you I set Embrace me with your arm; And your big eyes, quiet and still With mine a pact would seal... If on your waist I grab, you will Push up high on your heel; When I bend down my face to you, You should look up at me, We’d glance each other sweet and true Forever, full of glee; And so that you have about love A knowledge that is true, I’ll lean and kiss you from above, Please, tender kiss me too." She’d listen still, without refute Dumbfounded and distracted, Him shameful, yes, but rather cute, The yes and no she weighted, “Since a wee lad – her voice appall - I’ve known you bit by bit, And glib, and talkative and small, You’d be a decent fit... Yet, from oblivion’s tranquil An Evening Star came out, Through infinite horizons now to spill The oceans’ lonely clout; And secretly I bow my lashes, ‘Cause tears fill my eyes When towards him the water splashes Just as the small wave dies; He shines with an unspoken love, My sorrow he could leach, But rises higher, high above So I’ll could never reach. Bursting in from his dreamland Through sad, cold rays of star... Forever I will love him and Forever he’ll be far... That’s why my days are simply now Barren as the steppe, Yet saintly charms lift my eyebrow When night’s at my doorstep." - "You are naive, my little girl... Let’s run away together, Aimlessly travel far and twirl Like in the wind a feather. A new life we will both begin, Joyful and merry, yet afar, You’ll lose the longing for your kin, The dreams about Eve Star." * He took to flight, the Evening Star His wings, on high, grew distant, And though he traveled light-years far It only seemed an instant. A star-filled sky to gaze beneath, Above a star-filled sky - An endless thunderbolt he seemed Lost, as he wondered by. And from the chaos’ dark abyss, Around him like a cone, He’d see, as in Genesis’ bliss, How light was being born; Like waters drowning him entire As lights would swarm upon... He flies, now carried by desire, Until he’s gone, all gone; For there’s no boundary where he goes, Nor eye who’d understand, And from that void Time never grows A life that can withstand. There is nothing, yet there is A thirst he can not shun, Deep, dark, and painful it all seems Like blind oblivion. - "From this dark eternal pain, Father, please release me For breaking me out of this chain Praised by the world you’ll be; Name thy steep price, oh, dear God, But let me choose mine fate, Thou have that power in one nod That giveth life and death; My immortality take back The eyes with fire power, And in exchange give me the knack To love but for one hour... And to the chaos that I came from I would return, my Father... But with my heart being so torn. It seems like such a bother." - "Hyperion, begot from magic touch And meant to shine with grace, Don’t ask for miracles or such That have no name nor face; Thou wanthts as human to be counted, To replicate their kin? But if the human race is blasted, Humans wouldst born agin. They only last as gusts of wind Ideals, void and blind - When to the grave the waves rescind, More waves come from behind; They only have their lucky stars And preconceived blind fate, For us, time, places, leave no scars, And death we don’t cognate. From yesterday’s eternal ply Death would fight in vain, And if a sun in heaven’d die A sun wilt rise again; Forever seeming life to spry, Demise can’t flee or scorn, For all are born only to die And die to be reborn. Yet you, Hyperion, remain Wherever thou seth down... For mine advice ask thee again - Wisdom without a frown? That certain voice thee wish to life, And set all things in motion Mountains and forests to be strife And islands sink in ocean? Perhaps thee wish to proudly show Righteousness and might? The world to you I would bestow To make a kingdom site. Thousands of ships I’d give to thee, Armies on them I’d plant To capture land and conquer sea, But death I can not grant... For whom thou wish mortal to be? And is it truly worth? Just go and see what’s there for thee On that wondering earth." * Assuming his place in the sky Hyperion returned And as in days past he’d let fly, A light that brightly burned. For it is evening; sun is set And night’s about to start; Quiet, the moon begins to fret From waves coming apart. And it sparkles with its glow, The paths among the grove. Beneath the mighty linden row Two youths sat, full of love: - "Oh, my love, upon your breast I’d want my head to lay, Under the peaceful eye to rest And sweetly drift away; With the charm of your cold gaze See clear through my thoughts, Eternal peace throughout the haze Of passions dark with naughts. And holding me, remain above Solace I could redeem, For you’re my first and only love And also my last dream." Hyperion would clearly read Amazement in their eyes; He’d gently touch her neck while she’d Embrace his warm midsize... The fragrant silver blooms would fall Like the warm rain in summer, Over the young boy and the girl With long locks, gold and amber. Drunk with love, she slowly raised Her eyes towards the sky. She saw The Evening Star. And dazed She said, almost in awe: - " Descend to me, Eve Star, so kind Glide down on a lights’ beam, Enter my forest and my mind And make my life a dream!” He’d tremble, just as in the past Through woods, across the hills, And past the waves aimlessly cast Lonely, wind-wandrin’ chills; But as in past, he did not fall Sinking deep to sea: - "What cares thee, mere-mortal gal, If ’tis another one or me? You’re passing midst thine narrow life With luck as sole virtue, But in my world I’ll always thrive Eternal, cold, and blue." |
summ* = short for summon (and to rhyme with mum)